By Josh Hughes (2006)
I chose Little Bass Lake Resort as my topic
because I have so many memories of happiness there. My grandpa owns Little Bass
Lake Resort. It is located near
I go to LBLR about 3-4 times a year, but I
want to go there more often. To me Little Bass Lake Resort is like a second
home. I spend time helping my grandpa
work on the resort by carrying trash to the dumpster, hauling wood to the fire
pit, and hauling things from one side of the resort to another with a little
tractor. I also spend time by the fire on warm summer nights roasting
marshmallows (my parents say I’m only warming them up, but they burn them),
eating s’mores, and catching fireflies in a jar. I remember one July 4th when we
were setting off fireworks when part of one blew up and flew sideways. I also
learned that fireflies glow about 10 minutes after someone squishes them.
Little Bass
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and
wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for
the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace
comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to
where the cricket sings;
And evening full of linnet’s wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by
the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the
pavement’s gray,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
My Reaction To
I chose the poem The Lake Isle of
Innisfree because it just went along with how I feel about
Little Bass Lake Resort. This piece talks about the peace of a lake, cabin, and
isle, everything I have at my grandpa’s resort. The resort is on Little Bass
Lake, has 6 nice cabins, and has an isle in the middle that in some places is
only one foot underwater. It is called “The Sunken Island.” The poem reminds me
about the features and peace that the resort has to offer those who seek it. It
talks about what you can find, such as a large wildlife ecosystem. A line that
goes perfectly with LBLR is, “I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the
shore.” It is exactly the same as LBLR at dawn, dusk, and anything between.
This is a brilliant piece of
writing; the elements seem to be excellently known by the writer. The symbol of
peace the author shows makes you feel how peaceful the
All in all, this piece of
writing shows how the
By Joshua Hughes
Birds chirping in tall
oaks. A light breeze is refreshment on a warm summer’s day. The lake is calm, a
deep calm that nothing can break. If you look into the water, a deep blue color
awaits you, beckoning you to jump in and cool off.
The water glistens in the
brilliant light of the sun. The clouds tell of stories that have never been
told before. If you dare gaze at the sky, you fall into a deep slumber,
abandoning your mission and your day under the complete and total peace.
Waiting, waiting.
You hear a loon casting its eerie yet enchanting call
that echoes through the air. A tree falls in the distance; you know the local
beaver is preparing for winter. A fish jumps out of the water and splashes back
in, shattering the peace that is known. An eagle circles endlessly through the
sky, waiting, waiting.
The wind kicks in, bringing an early winter chill. The sun seems
to dim with the coming of winter. Your chance is gone for this summer, this
year. You look at the clouds, and drift to a slumber. Waiting, still waiting.
Little Bass is
peace and quiet;
It has never had a Riot!
The message of this
portfolio is simple, peace and tranquility can and will be found at little bass
for those who seek it. It is also the place of some thrills, but few go there
for them. Little Bass
While I have been making
this portfolio I have learned about how much I really care and appreciate my
grandpa and his resort. I have recognized how peaceful Little Bass Lake Resort
really is. I hope that in the future I will increase my trips to LBLR and
continue to enjoy my time there.
In conclusion Little
(my oldest grandchild) was 13 years old when he wrote this. He was in the 7th grade at