September 2011

Click here to see the other months in 2011:   June, July, August, September, October, November, December

September 1st The amber light of September indicates the end of the great burst of summer, and suggests that we must now start looking forward to autumn. Not that I have any objection to autumn as a season, full of its own beauty; but I just cannot bear to see another summer go, and I recoil from what the first hint of autumn really means.........winter is near.

-- Vita Sackville-West, circa 1930 (with small modifications)
September 2nd Today LBLR will begin filling up with Angsts and by late tomorrow morning the three daughters will all be at the same place at the same time. The previous two occurrences of this phenomenon were both at LBLR and they were in July of 2003 and July of 2007. Pictures will be forthcoming.......
September 3rd To see an update of the "sisters at the fire" picture, click HERE. Not much change, right? Even Teri's wine glass is the same.
September 4th Pot luck in the game room the last two nights. Geez, have we ever eaten well!!!!!!!!
September 5th Family breakfast on the final morning. Sigh........... Click HERE.

By the way, it was 37 degrees this morning.
September 6th Now even Lori is gone. Sigh (again)........

The neighbors from across the lake (Vinnie, Paula, Anna, and Lucas) came over here tonight and cooked bratwursts for Jeff and Christine in cabin # 2. What Sweeties they are!!!!
September 7th
September 8th The resort season which is just ending was the 80th one for LBLR and the 20th one for me.
September 9th Although there's not much of it around yet, the "experts" are predicting that the Fall colors this year will be better than usual. This might be a good year to spend an Autumn weekend at LBLR. There are cabins available if you're interested.
September 10th Today is Youth Waterfowl Hunt Day as well as the second weekend of the early Canada Goose Hunting Season.........lots of near-by shooting going on.

After a ten day stay, Jeff and Christine left this morning, and Denny, Larry, and Bob (all from Illinois) arrived last night for an eight day Bass fishing trip. And by the way, this is Denny's third trip up here this year.
September 11th If you get the chance tonight, take a look at the moon. The Harvest moon is actually tomorrow night, but it's special (sort of)........which includes tonight, tomorrow, and Tuesday. To see why it's special (although the reasons behind a lot of these astonomical tidits are rather difficult to fathom) click HERE.
The Night of the Harvest Moon Shine on, shine on harvest moon
Up in the sky,
I ain't had no lovin'
Since January, February, June, or July.
Snow Time ain't no time to stay
Outdoors and spoon,
So shine on, shine on harvest moon
For me and my gal."

--   Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth, 1903
September 13th In the years and years that Denny T and his buddies from Illinios have been coming here, I don't think there has been a single day that they went fishing and got skunked.........not a single one.
September 14th It's 35 degrees and there's just a little bit of a frost this morning, but it can't be enough to count as the first killing frost. Oh well, maybe tonight..........23 degrees is predicted.
September 15th In reference to the September 13th entry (above) Gary in Nashville said, "Well then show us a picture of Denny's fish." They didn't keep any from their catch that day, but here are some from yesterday's catch. By the way, Denny said to make it clear that they always throw the big ones back. Click HERE.

This is a good frost.......not a wimpy one like yesterday. Click HERE.
September 16th Mar, I'll be fine. Don't worry. And besides, winter is good! Even Sweet Emily agreed to that, albeit relunctantly. Believe it or not, winter certainly has its good points. But then again, so does each, his own. Click HERE.
September 17th More later...............
September 18th Now that's a rarity you don't see very often.
                                -- Mike Shannon, Cardinals announcer (1989)

This afternoon CBS switched the national football game coverage to another game because my Lions were so far ahead that the game was getting boring. In fact, that's a rarity that, no doubt, has NEVER been seen before.
September 19th For a long time this evening LBLR was graced with the call of a Barred Owl, a sound which is nearly as lovely as the call of a Loon. To hear what it sounded like click HERE, but be patient and wait for it to start. It appeared to be coming from the same place as the one mentioned in the Chronicles entry for October 29, 2008, but this time I didn't bother to look for it as I did at 3:00 AM back then. To see the entry from 2008, click HERE.
September_20th Wow! The Bluegill fishing, which was slow for the last couple of days, seems to have picked up a bit. Wayne and his family from Arkansas said that they done real good yesterday. And that's great because they sure weren't happy with their catches from the previous few days.
September 21st Because of a new gas line going in, I had to locate a sewer line which is buried somewhere near the fish cleaning house. What I had to do was dig up an area 6 inches by 6 inches and down to the sewer line (which turned out to be 6 inches deep). But to find it, I ended up digging a trench 6 inches wide, 2 feet deep, and 11 1/2 feet long. Click HERE. Sigh..........
September 22nd Hey Bob F, did you manage to get a Turkey hunting license on your way home from LBLR?

Another sign of Autumn:
There are tons and tons of Common Flickers around these days. You see their white butts as they fly away from the sides of the road just before you get to them.......and they're all over the resort as well.
The Autumnal Equinox September hath the warmth of Summer in her briefer hours, but in her lengthening evenings she hath the prophetic breath of Autumn.
-- Rowland E. Robinson (with minor modifications), circa 1880

And it's here even as we speak. Happy Autumn to one and all!!!
September 24th What a lovely Autumn morning. Click HERE.

Duck hunting opened this morning.......lots of shooting.
September 25th From the lake directly to the pan.......geez they were good. Click HERE.
September 26th Dave B (a guest in cabin 2) took this picture with his cell phone; it's from the dock by his cabin. Click HERE. (Thanks for the picture Dave.) He also took a picture of three members of his group, each with a limit of Northerns, but it was too blurry to make out very well.
September 27th The Fall Colors are late this year. There's a little here and there, but we have a long way to go. How does it look down state?
September 28th Part of the lake is calm and part of it has ripples. It almost looks like there's a thin sheet of ice out there, doesn't it? Click HERE.
September 29th Wayne B and family leave tomorrow after a two week stay, so this is their last day. The weather is cold and rainy with 20 to 30 mile per hour winds. Will they go fishing today? Yes, positively!!!! The weather NEVER keeps them off the lake.
September 30th I'm beginning to think that my memory isn't as bad as I thought it was.

Click here to see the other months in 2011:   June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Click HERE to see the Chronicles for other years.

Click HERE to go to the LBLR Home Page.

If you have any questions or if you'd like something mentioned here, send me an e-mail and let me know.
